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Rian Rup Khai (Leun Samansak), Chao Khun Nam, Wat Thepbandit, Pendang 2549

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RM 600.00
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RM 600.00
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Rian Rup Khai (Leun Samansak), Chao Khun Nam, Wat Thepbandit, Pendang 2549 #juneamulet 
據説這枚當年是爲了紀念師傅封爲Chao Khun 而做的, 就是我們平時説的 Leun Samansak), 後面有個Chao Khun 的扇子. 佛牌的後面寫著 Nam Choke, Nam Larp, 這個應該很多人不懂, 其實 Nam 就是 Chao Khun Nam 的 Nam, 而Choke即使運氣 Larp 就是財富. 就是大概師傅給的運氣和財富.
Chao Khun Nam 如今年事已高, 這些是早期做的聖物 也曾經在當地很多的奇跡事件 特別在於Kongkrapan / 避險. 我們認爲放在車非常的好, 因爲師傅的東西也是曾經有很多避險的奇跡事件. 至於 Kongkrapan / Niao, 就是有人曾經帶著師傅的東西去打針 結果針竟然刺不進去

The Roan Rup Khai was created to commemorate the Luang Phor Nam's ordination as Chao Khun, which we usually call Leun Samansak. It has a Chao Khun fan on the back. The back of the amulet is inscribed with "Nam Choke, Nam Larp," which many people may not understand. In fact, "Nam" stands for "Chao Khun Nam," "Choke" represents luck, and "Larp" signifies wealth. This basically represents the luck and wealth that the teacher has bestowed. Chao Khun Nam is quite elderly now, and these are sacred items made in the early days that have been associated with many miraculous events in the local area, especially in Kongkrapan and for protection. We believe it is excellent to place in a vehicle because the Chao Khun Nam's items have also been involved in many miraculous protective events. As Kongkrapan and Niao, there was an incident where someone tried to inject a needle into a person wearing the teacher's item, and the needle couldn't penetrate.                                

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